Sunday, August 29, 2010

Sunday post

Its Sunday again. I've decided to sum up my last week's activities and upcoming events. Its been an uneventful week. Lab results were not encouraging  but ive realised that i can bear disappointments much better lately. Thats what research is all about i guess, trial and error till you find something significant.  But my books help me get through it. I've finished two thrillers and I'm pretty happy about them and i would give the ratings soon. I'm panicking as August is nearly over. Here comes September, bringing more datelines that i have to achieve. Thesis to finish typing, scientific paper to be drafted and  powerpoint presentation to get ready. However i look forward to September. I hope there's a new chapter with new subplot, twists and turns waiting for me.  The upcoming week is a busy week for me with lots of labwork to be done and not forgetting  the coming tuesday is a holiday to commemorate independence day of my country, Malaysia.

Happy Independence Day Malaysia,
Selamat Hari Merdeka!!

Happy Sunday everyone and have a good week ahead!


  1. Happy Independence Day! Visiting from the HOP!

    I hope you will visit on or both of my blogs: LibrarysCat or Holocaust Resources for Children!!

    Have a great weekend!
